47. Back in the Day – Part II
Greetings to all you wonderful people at CFC/FOM.
Today I’m sharing a personal favourite, a lovely story that captures the atmosphere of a lost era: Shilpa Castledine’s childhood recollections of life in the tea gardens of the Dooars. Read – Back in the Day – Part II
You will enjoy her description of her mother, and of the routines as they existed back then.
A little excerpt: ‘ At breakfast mum and dad would chat away about all sorts, not only garden matters and bungalow matters but world politics, India’s politics, the news. We had a Phillips radio which had a cat’s eye that had to warm up as you turned the knob and it would turn green telling you the radio was on. I remember listening regularly to Radio Ceylon….’
I’m sure you can’t wait to read on. Do settle down with your cup of garam chai and enjoy the story of tea life back in the day!
Cheers to the spirit of Indian Tea! We will meet again – next Friday, with another story! Yeh vaada raha!
– Gowri Mohanakrishnan
Indian Chai Stories
This segment is a result of our fruitful collaboration with Indian Chai Stories, a blog by Gowri Mohanakrishnan, a planter’s wife who’s been writing tea stories for many years and is also an active supporter of Chai for Cancer
Her stories come straight from the tea gardens of India and are best enjoyed with a cup of garam chai.
So go ahead #raiseyourcup #DrinkToACause
Visit www.chaiforcancer.org to donate towards our cause.