61. Trains and Toddlers

Hello, all you lovely people at CFC/FOM. This week’s post from Indian Chai Stories is sure to take you all on a nostalgia trip. Yes, all of you, even if you have never visited a tea garden in your life. 

Gumi Malhotra’s story takes us back to that time when we travelled across the country by train: children, old folks and young folks. Now it would be delightful, dear reader, if you too could write down something that you remember about a train journey from ‘those days’. 

But first, you need to get yourself a cup of tea quickly! Our train is about to pull out of the station, and we don’t want to miss Gumi’s story, do we?

Thank you, Gumi, this is such a lovely read.

Cheers to the spirit of Indian tea, and cheers to all those who drink it! 

I’ll be back next Friday with another tea-time read for you. Yeh vaada raha! 

Oh, and Happy Holidays!!

– Gowri Mohanakrishnan 
Indian Chai Stories

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