Chai for Cancer x Indian Chai Stories
We are ecstatic to publicly announce our collaboration with Indian Chai Stories as part of the Chai for Cancer Season 8 Campaign!

Indian Chai Stories is a blog by Gowri Mohanakrishnan with almost 200 original stories from 58 contributors from the tea gardens of Assam, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Sri Lanka!
This year our campaign tagline is “Ek Chai Zindagi ke Naam”, and what better way to take the campaign forward than to showcase the real life stories of tea planters? As Gowri herself puts it, “Back in the tea gardens, our motto has always been “Ek Zindagi Chai ke Naam””.
When Gowri was married to a tea planter in 1986, she had to leave her city life behind and experience first hand, life in the “Dooars”. Amazed by the incredible stories people shared at the tea clubs, she decided to start a blog and share their stories with the world! “Life here is a celebration of the human spirit. Indian Chai Stories is all about the people who live here!”
Tune in to Chai for Cancer every Wednesday for stories of elephants and leopards, of people and of ghosts; some stories so vivid and amazing, they beggar belief!
Read On!
Says Aloke: My appointment as an Assistant Manager of Nagrakata Tea Estate of the Dooars Tea Company was tied to a ‘signed and sealed’ covenant of three years including an initial six months period of probation.
Dum Dum Aerodrome, Calcutta, May 7, 1963, 3:30 a.m. : I entered grandly with air ticket in pocket – the only document in possession. Security checks were non-existent; hijacks and human bombs unheard of.
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He recalls a myriad of little things with such clarity, you’d think he was talking about yesterday!
Here is Venk’s story: Read the story
Over to Simran: Read the story
Alan Lane takes us to the Barak Valley in southern Assam. Don’t lose any time if you want to meet the charming occupants of the various bungalows. You’ll realise why we say life in a tea garden is a life like no other!
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Joyshri was among the first six contributors to Indian Chai Stories. Many years ago – in the 1980s – she gave us our very own tea garden magazine in the Dooars ( North Bengal ), “Reach Out”. My friends and I were so grateful to have a chance to write and publish right there in the tea gardens!! That’s a story for another day.
Today, I leave you to enjoy ‘A Home Beside Two Areca Palms’.
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Shalini started the Camellia magazine over twenty years ago from her bungalow at Nuddwa Tea Estate in Upper Assam, and was among the first contributors to ‘Indian Chai Stories’. The Camellia ( named for the tea bush ) was a magazine much loved by the tea community, and it was a huge success. One day, I hope Shalini will tell us more about her journey with the Camellia and beyond!
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I lived in terror – not of leopards, elephants or of the dacoits who struck everywhere those days, but of Ghenwa, whose word was law in the domain I had dared to enter! Hope you’ll have a good laugh at the plight of the hapless 24year old city girl set adrift in a wild world – her new husband’s natural habitat, the tea gardens!
Here it is, this week’s offering: Read the story
All of this to be followed by the drinks trolley with rounds of snacks and eventually dinner, of course. But I’m rushing you…no, let’s go back to the tea trolley of Mandira Moitra Sarkar’s childhood; she’s going to share lots of goodies with you here: Read the story
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Minoo Avari’s piece on Darjeeling, ‘Becoming A Planter’ is a classic. It’s not just a memoir, but a piece of modern history. Cheers to the indomitable spirit of the tea planter!
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I love the way Ipsita Sengupta captures the atmosphere of a tea garden on a holiday – sleepy, but not uneventful. ‘Independence Day started like it always did every year in the gardens. I tagged along with Bapi for the flag hoisting…. It was a bright sunny day with one dark
cloud hovering!’
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Cheers to humanity! Cheers to the spirit of sharing! Cheers to life.
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Cheers to the spirit of Indian tea!
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Radha Madapa writes with deep affection for her surroundings: ‘… the lofty, fog enshrouded spectacular mountains of Tukvar Valley.’
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So here’s a story for you this week that goes ‘right deep down into life’ – the life of a twenty year old rookie in the tea gardens of the Dooars as he stares death in the face. The tea gardens aren’t exactly paradise, as Anjan Roy reminisces. Read
all about it here
And at the end of it, fear not, you will feel cheer, because it is a story about courage and generosity and the value of human life. So here it is, Bill Hudson’s account of the great flood of 1954, which Aloke Mookerjee kindly shared with Indian Chai Stories. The place – Dooars, and the river, Jaldhaka.
And this was the 200th story to go up – so cheers to the fund of tea stories, and cheers to the lovely people who tell them!
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A planter from 1983-93 in Anamallais and Kanyakumari, Yawar’s mission is to work across boundaries of race, religion and nationality to bring hearts together. Cheers to the spirit of humanity!
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Now you will find these elements of laughter, compassion and struggle in the first story I’ve chosen to share; a lovely story by my old friend Jaya Dutta.
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Indian Chai Stories is proud to be back with another story – and Madhu Nair tells it like it is, with much love and laughter. Cheers to the spirit of Indian tea!
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December begins, and suddenly everyone is longing to drink lots of tea!
What is your favourite style? I like mine very fresh; brewed for exactly three and a half minutes, with just a drop of (lactose free) milk and half a teaspoon of sugar. Today I have a story by Mansi Chaturvedi, and it’s a tale in a teacup. She invites you to join her in a little gupshup over her favourtie cup of masala chai.Thank you, Mansi!
Off to Mansi’s verandah, then! Read the story
There’s a song that comes to mind whenever I think about our life in the tea gardens. It’s called C’est La Vie and the refrain goes, ‘You Never Can Tell’.
You wake up on one of those gorgeous mornings to a world of gold and green with sunlight dancing on the tea bushes. You marvel at the deep silences, taking in lungfuls of sweet, pure air and think, ‘This is heaven’. And then something happens to make you realise it takes just a moment to shatter the idyll. Today’s story by Vijaya Sarmah is about one such incident. Read the story
Life can change forever in one second, so here’s to the spirit of optimism that takes us all through, and cheers to that marvellous cup of Indian tea that prepares us to face Life every morning!
See you all next week! Yeh vaada raha.
I’m particularly fond of this story, and I won’t spoil anything for you by telling you why. Read all the comments at the end and you will understand!
So here is Gumi Malhotra, with an invitation for all of us to take a little virtual trip to the tea bungalows that housed her and her family over the years. Be sure to sit down with a cup of your favourite chai before you set off on your little tour! Bungalows that became homes Read the story
Cheers to the spirit of Indian tea, and cheers to the spirit of the planter’s wife! More about her later. See you again next week, folks! Yeh vaada raha!
Dear readers, here you go!
Gumi Malhotra brings us ‘Christmas Lunch’ for your Story Number One: Christmas Lunch
Second, Niloufer Patkar, shows us an unusual gift
and Sudipta Bhattacharjee takes us to the Western Dooars with this heartwarming and poignant reminder that Christmas is all about love and loved ones.
Ho! Ho! Ho! That’s three cracking good Chai Bagan Christmas stories! I know you will all enjoy unwrapping these presents. Oh, and they’re all sent to you by Aunty Santa! For now, we’re continuing with our Memsaab theme.
Have a very Merry Christmas, everyone! Joy to the world, and Cheers to the spirit of Indian Tea.
See you all again next Friday…yeh vaada raha!
The New Year is a time for friends old and new. More old than new today, as ‘Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind’ plays on in my head. Memories of crawling home in the early hours from merry gatherings at the club made me think of this story by my old friend Roma Circar. I loved it when I first read it almost six years ago, and it remains one of my favourites.
We’ve been reading tea memsaabs’ recollections these last few weeks. There are plenty more to share. Now the men – the planters – tell you stories of a different kind. Being gentlemen, they will wait for their turn.
Roma describes the chai bagan saheb with inimitable flair: ‘Like a De Beer’s diamond, a planter radiates multiple facets. He is the original Superman, identified not by a swirling red cape, but rather a prosaic pair of shorts.’ Over to Roma, then.
Enjoy your read. I’ll be back next Friday with another Indian Chai Story – yeh vaada raha!
Cheers to the spirit of Indian tea!
The Dooars, that beautiful green haven which was our home for three decades. As I flit back to the past, I’m also putting the calendar in fast forward to April, that magical time when it’s not too hot or cold.
So dear readers, I invite you to enjoy this little taste of Dooars life with me.
This is my account of a typical April storm from Moraghat Tea Estate in the Dooars. Don’t forget to pick up your cup of chai before you start reading!
Cheers to all of you! Cheers to life! I’ll be back next Friday with another garam cuppa for you. Yeh vaada raha.
It’s that magical time of day when I sit down with a good cup of tea and lose myself in dreams of all the tea gardens we’ve lived in over the years. Life in each garden had its own flavour.
My old friend Ranu Taragi tells a delightful tale. Her story is itself like life in the gardens; charming, pleasant and full of fun, and then without a warning, terror and danger! ‘Life in the wilderness can take sudden frightening turns’, says Ranu.
I know you will enjoy this story, with all its character sketches and descriptions of the thousand little things that make life unique in Tea. Oh, and I must thank my own ‘Bawarchi’, ‘Bearer’ and ‘Baghal’ from the time when this story was written, because they posed happily for pictures to embellish the tale – not that it needed any pictures! So pick up your teacup and sit down to enjoy this little road trip to the tea gardens. Off we go!
Cheers to the spirit of Indian Tea! And cheers to all the wonderful people who bring us that lovely cuppa!
I’ll be back with another chai ki kahaani for you next Friday…yeh vaada raha!
Today I’m sharing a personal favourite, a lovely story that captures the atmosphere of a lost era: Shilpa Castledine’s childhood recollections of life in the tea gardens of the Dooars. Read – Back in the Day – Part II
You will enjoy her description of her mother, and of the routines as they existed back then.
A little excerpt: ‘ At breakfast mum and dad would chat away about all sorts, not only garden matters and bungalow matters but world politics, India’s politics, the news. We had a Phillips radio which had a cat’s eye that had to warm up as you turned the knob and it would turn green telling you the radio was on. I remember listening regularly to Radio Ceylon….’
I’m sure you can’t wait to read on. Do settle down with your cup of garam chai and enjoy the story of tea life back in the day!
Cheers to the spirit of Indian Tea! We will meet again – next Friday, with another story! Yeh vaada raha!
Friday has come around again, and I’ve been going through a lot of stories to decide on today’s pick.
An enjoyable task, and for this reason a difficult one; I get lost in the stories, in the memories and in my thoughts of the friends who’ve written these stories.
When my friends and I were younger, we couldn’t talk enough about our first few months as tea brides. Life changed completely for us city girls when we married our planter husbands! Now when I heard my friend Sarita Dasgupta’s tales of her early days as a cha bagaan memsaab, I realised that becoming a tea wife was no cakewalk even for the girls who grew up in the gardens! You can enjoy this entertaining account here. Don’t forget to get yourself a cup of chai before you settle down to enjoy Sarita’s reminiscences!
I will be back next Friday with another story from another friend, and that’s a promise. Yeh vaada raha!
Cheers to the spirit of Indian Tea!
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