It’s a Date!

Piyo Chai Suno Kahani

Last week, on May 20th, I wished a friend, sharing how her birth date held great childhood appeal for me. The film My Fair Lady’s release left my brother and me lisping its every epic lyric. Listening non-stop to Lerner and Loewe’s music boom, “Next week on the 20th of May, I proclaim Liza Doolittle Day”, we ensured the parents pronounced this Movie Day, to watch a film together each year. “May 20 is also Balzac’s birthday,” said my friend, a French teacher after all.

It’s fun creating personally meaningful dates. Besides ticking off plans for the wonderful Kala Ghoda and Celebrate Bandra fests, you might schedule en famille activities to mark National Science Day (February 28, 1928, when CV Raman discovered the Raman Effect, winning him the 1930 Nobel prize for physics), as well as World Book Day (April 23, coincidentally both Shakespeare’s birth and death anniversary).

Interesting yet less known, universally observed Origami Day on October 24 is the birthday of Lillian Oppenheimer who popularised the Japanese paperfolding craft. Also worth remembering are Bombay dockyard tours and police bands which celebrate Navy Week (Navy Day, December 4, pays tribute to Operation Trident launched in the 1971 Indo-Pak War).


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