First epidemic hero
First epidemic hero Breathing relief between virus waves, we should honour the Goan physician who discovered the bubonic plague that ravaged Bombay for two decades from its outbreak in 1896. Not only did Dr Acacio…
Meher Marfatia, author of the book, Once Upon a City, shares some of the stories she had collected while writing her column for Mid-Day.
First epidemic hero Breathing relief between virus waves, we should honour the Goan physician who discovered the bubonic plague that ravaged Bombay for two decades from its outbreak in 1896. Not only did Dr Acacio…
A scientist’s word The recent popularity of the serial Rocket Boys reminds us of a promise scrupulously kept. In a talk she delivered some years ago, oral historian Dr Indira Chowdhury, who is also the co-author…
Wooing, old Bombay-style In the month of Valentine’s Day, here’s a throwback to how the mid-20th century city romanced. Wooing and wedding changed after Bombay’s inaugural swing show on September 15, 1948. The highlight was…
The other Gandhis The Mahatma’s upcoming death anniversary is time to remember two less well-known Gandhis who have left their public stamp on Bombay. Rowed with 19th-century buildings, Princess Street in Kalbadevi is officially sign-boarded…
RIP Gerson: Keep Bombay blessed For a metro that has mourned several remarkable fathers – including Charles Correa, Alyque Padamsee, Anil Dharker – our recent loss leaves us especially bereft. Yet, the best tribute to…
Xmas lunch with the Desert Fox Everyone has favourite Christmas stories… This bittersweet one took me by surprise. I was a rookie reporter with The Illustrated Weekly of India in 1985. Researching a feature to…
The mascot who taught Bombay laughter With the recent national airline acquisition evoking much cheer, it’s time to retrace how its chubby mascot was cleverly conceived. The 1946 inspiration of Bobby Kooka, Air India’s commercial…
One hundred years of gratitude Fifteen years ago, 12 of them graced this city – the last Spanish priests, in St Stanislaus (Bandra), St Mary’s (Mazagaon) and St Xavier’s (Fort). Lucky to have met some…
Tale of a tangy treat An especially wet week, at the end of the season suited to snacking on hot bhajias and vadas with chutney, is the right time to recap a spicy story. I…